Submit the correct answers and win 15,000 as Amazon Pay balance. To participate, I have updated the Amazon Quiz today answers of 18th July 2021. The quiz ends 11.59 PM. Take part and enter your correct answers.
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Dr. Seuss
Amazon Daily Quiz Today Correct answers only
- Forest officers
- North Pole
- Spa
- Chakrasana
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All questions and answers with choices
- ‘The Green Queens of India- Nation’s Pride’, is a book compilation of the extraordinary works done by which group of women?
- Migrant workers
- Members of Parliament
- Forest officers
- School teachers
- NISAR is a joint Earth-observing mission between ISRO and which other space agency?
- In a first, astronomers have recently detected a 'Space hurricane' in Earth's upper atmosphere in which region?
- South Pole
- Equator
- Mascarene High
- North Pole
- In which place will you have to go normally to experience this service?
- Hospital
- Bar
- Spa
- Gym

- What do you call this particular yoga pose?
- Shavasana
- Navasana
- Ustrasana
- Chakrasana

Thought of the Day Every day is a new day, and you'll never be able to find happiness if you don't move on.